Discover Your Cover


Ends after 1 month, on February 24, 2025

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Foreword from the author…

Welcome to an experience that will help you discover how wonderfully you are gifted.

What voices have shaped your perceptions of what you bring to the world of work, vocation and meaningfully being engaged in important causes that use your intellect, your values and capture the essence of what motivates you?  All too often our perceptions of our giftedness come from others.  When those thoughts about us are not founded on what we come to know and believe about ourselves we will choose life pathways that are not rooted in what is best for us, what will guide us into fulfilling life choices.  This experience is designed to introduce you to measurable ways to help you quantify just how wonderful you really are.  It will also show you how to unleash a meaningful dialogue with yourself to enable you to live entrepreneurially in life planning using habits of thinking, planning and quiet contemplation.   It will help you value true friends to share in trusting relationships to evaluate your options to use your giftedness.

I have been involved in the counseling people and helping professions my entire life.  I have adapted to change my entire life in over 12 careers.  The21st century has two constants that no generation has had to manage; faster pace of change demanding constant learning and opportunity demanding adaptive behavior.  BEING ALIVE TODAY IS PREGNANT WITH OPPORTUNITY!   It is a creative ride especially to those who know their gifts and who have learnt to live entrepreneurially.

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