DEDICATION: Thanks for continued interest

in The DYC Experience

This experience is dedicated to two creative souls who are no longer with us but whose life passions still impact our changing lives today; Dr. Edward “Chip” Anderson and Donald O. Clifton. 

This DYC Experience is built on the belief that Positive Psychology leads to better decisions and more fulfilling aliveness.  

Dr. Chip Anderson was a very influential person in my life and a psychology professor at UCLA.  He was an original thinker and a master academic leader who believed in the need to know your strengths.   Positive psychology focuses on what we do well rather than our deficits.  I asked Chip to help me with a grant program aimed at developing better college going aspirations for underserved and low college going high school students.  Chip was in the process of writing a book with Donald Clifton to help people identify their strengths.  Dr. Anderson was a leader in college orientation and retention interventions.  Chip and Donald Clifton published the “Strengths Finder” book,  to help people identify their strengths and better navigate their life decesions.

Donald Cliffton had identified a set of 34 strengths patterns successful people used in their professions and leadership endeavors.   The logical focus in Donald Clifton’s Book,  ”Soar with Your Strengths”, was that persons who identified their near perfect ways of viewing and interacting with the world of things, ideas and people (Strengths) should focus their life choices on using those strengths.  By focusing on your positive strengths and working with others that had strengths complimentary to yours the world would see the development of great achievements, companies, discoveries, humanitarian services, etc. 

The Discover Your Cover Experience is my life experiment of self-discovery based on Chips commitment to using positive psychology to help people see what they do well and to Donald Clifton’s suggestion to build your life choices based on your strengths.   I expanded on Clifton’s definition of strengths to add new research about expanding intelligence types, learning and the explosion of knowledge, behavior patterns, motivation, values, human relationships, personal disciplines, the art of goal setting allied with adapting to more and faster amounts of change, and more.  I call this mixture of positive attributes giftedness.   

The Discover Your Cover experience continues to stress that a person’s giftedness is what should be used to make informed life impacting decisions. 

Discover Your Cover version 2 changes the delivery of this experience from workshops in single locations to an online experience where we develop an online community of learners.  The DYC Experience Ver. 2.0 broadens strengths to a more complete look at multiple indicators of how we arrive with gifts that bring us aliveness.  In order to enhance the dialogue and discussion version 2 creates a new dynamic, an eBook delivered curriculum supported by an online Resource and Support community.  In this community of fellow learners sharing occurs in blog infused interactions telling the stories of success and the overcoming of challenges.  It celebrates a growing understanding of your giftedness.

As the author and developer, My focus is on finding out and trying new ways to quantify and measure how we are gifted, and how to amplify our giftedness.  I will continuously add new tools to assist those in this learning community to expand their self-understanding of their giftedness.  The Resource and Support center will measure its success and effectiveness evaluating suggestions from participants for ways to build supporting services, community events, conferences, meet ups and more.  I hope you are ready to join us!!! I am very excited to start this journey of self discovery with you.

Here is what it costs and the discounted introductory price.  We have made the entry price as low as possible because we are interested in supporting you.  Join now and receive a discount of over 50%.